Energy Saving

4 Tips To Save Energy

The Elite Group

September 30, 2016

Do you cringe at the price of your monthly utility bills? From simple home improvements to installing new technology, energy-saving techniques can drastically cut your utility bill. Below you’ll find energy saving tips that can save you thousands!

San Diego Home Energy Assessment

Before transforming your home, the first step is contacting a home inspection company that performs energy-efficiency assessments. At The Elite Group Property Inspections, Inc., we offer home energy assessments in San Diego and the surroundings areas in CA. Our energy professionals will perform a thorough inspection on your home and give you a home energy efficiency report. Here are some of our recommendations for improving the flow of energy in your home:

  1. Install a programmable thermostat: Although you may be turned off at the price of these devices, a programmable thermostat will pay for itself in a matter of months. You’ll save about 10 percent on your heating and cooling bills.
  2. Add insulation: Feel like you can’t escape the California heat? According to Kateri Callahan, the president of the Alliance to Save Energy, about half of the homes in the United States are under-insulated.
  3. Replace old windows: Worn, leaky windows probably aren’t helping your energy bill. Replace your old windows with high-efficiency green models.
  4. Purchase new systems: At the end of the day, the problem may be as simple as replacing an outdated HVAC system. With an energy-efficient model, you’ll see remarkable differences in your monthly bill.

Home Inspection San Diego CA

At The Elite Group Property Inspections, Inc., our residential home inspections will bring peace of mind. You can trust our professionals to perform a comprehensive inspection of your home. Since 1984, we’ve evaluated over 350,000 homes. Our experts can pinpoint any inefficient areas to improve upon energy consumption. To learn more information, contact us at 1-800-494-8998.

The Elite Group

(800) 494-8998

Energy Saving Tips