Running your real estate business on your own is hard work. You know the business inside and out, but you may struggle with marketing techniques that are vital to your business. Perhaps you need a business logo designed, or you’re in demand to hire a virtual assistant to answer phone calls and make outbound calls on your behalf. Freelancing platforms make any real estate business easier.


Fiverr is an online marketplace for freelance services, that provides such a platform for freelancers to offer their services to customers worldwide. For example, you might need to complete a project that you may not be an expert at. Fiverr will help you find the best freelancer to get the job done. This is an excellent tool to utilize when it comes to seeking freelance services that are budget-friendly and deliver results to your personal goals.

“Anything that can be done in business can be found on Fiverr and outsourced to an expert for a very cost-effective rate.”

-Josh Niehaus, Director of Sales for Elite Group Professionals


Upwork is another platform that provides freelance services. It’s ideal for realtor freelance work, outsourcing projects, and seeking lead generation real estate specialists. Businesses and independent professionals can connect and collaborate remotely, making this a useful resource. Freelancers simply sign up and create a profile that highlights skills that can be offered.

Both Fiverr and Upwork are essential in a realtor’s business because

    • They’re cost effective
    • Enable you to get the job done while meeting the needs of your goals
  • Generate real estate leads

As a realtor, there are a lot of hats to be worn, implementing both of these platforms into your business makes it a bit easier.