
The average person now spends more time online than with TV and all other media (newspapers, magazines, etc.) combined.

This may not surprise you, but I bet a few of the 100 statistics we recently rounded up will.

Today we’re diving into the must-know stats for agents in 2016 and beyond.

We’ll cover blogging, landing pages and SEO so you can see exactly how important these three lead generation strategies are for your business.



  1. 86% of “influencers” blog. Source
  2. Companies who blog receive 97% more links to their website.
  1. 88% of B2B companies use content marketing. Source
  1. 23% of top executives say they read blog regularly.
  1. 67% more leads will be generated by companies with an active blog this year. Source
  1. The average word count of the highest-ranking content in Google is between 1,140 – 1,285 words.
  1. Those who prioritize blogging will be 13X more likely to achieve a positive ROI on their efforts. Source
  1. 81% of U.S. online consumers trust information and advice from blogs.
  1. After 21-54 blogs, businesses see a traffic increase to their blogs by up to 30%. Source
  1. Companies that blog receive 434% more indexed pages on average.
  1. Among those who use email marketing, companies that blog get twice as much traffic from their email than those who don’t. Source
  1. 90% of consumers find custom content useful, 78% believe that companies behind content are interested in building good relationships.
  1. 92% of HubSpot’s blog-sourced leads came from older posts.
  2. Businesses that blog 20 more times in a month get 5X more traffic than those that blog 4 times or less each month. Source
  1. Blog articles with images get 94% more views.
  1. 61% of consumers say they feel better about a company that delivers custom content and are also more likely to buy from that company. Source

17. 50% of consumer time online is spent engaging with custom content.

  1. 6.7 million people publish blogs on blogging websites, and another 12 million write blogs using their social networks. Source
  1. Blogs have been rated as the 5th most trusted source for accurate online information.
  1. Content creation is ranked as the single most effective SEO technique by 53% of businesses. Source
  1. Each month, 329 million people read blogs.
  1. 47% of people go online to learn to improve themselves and nearly one-third 31% to find self-help experts or books. Source
  1. If a blog is more than 1,500 words, on average it receives 68.1% more tweets and 22.6% more Facebook likes.
  1. 82% of marketers who blog daily acquired a customer using their blog, as opposed to 57% of marketers who blog monthly. Source
  1. Not all content has to be original. 48% of marketers curate noteworthy content from third-party sources weekly (this post is an example).
  1. There are 27 million pieces of content shared each day. Source
  1. Customer testimonials have the highest effectiveness rating for content marketing at 89%.
  1. 34% of Fortune 500 companies now maintain active blogs – the largest share since 2008. Source
  1. Companies that publish new blog posts 15+ times per month (3-4 posts per week) generate five times more traffic than companies that don’t blog at all.

30.Blogging increases web traffic by 55% for brands. Source

  1. There are approximately 250 million blogs online today, and this number doesn’t even include blogs on Google’s Blogger platform, which does not disclose usage statistics.
  1. Two out of three people read blogs at least several times a week. 45% have reached out to a blogger to inquire about a product when considering a purchase, and 84% buy products based on the content they find on blogs. Source
  1. 62% of B2B technology companies use a blog to market their products.
  2. Including video on a landing page can increase conversion by 80%. Source
  1. Getting landing pages built and tested is one of the top five challenges faced by B2B marketers.
  1. Landing pages with multiple offers get 266% fewer leads than single offer page. Source
  1. 48% of landing pages contain multiple offers.
  1. Companies see a 55% increase in leads when increasing their number of landing pages from 10 to 15. Source
  1. Companies with 40+ landing pages get 12 times more leads than those with 5 or less.
  1. More than 90% of visitors who read your headline also read your CTA copy.
  1. Only 52% of companies and agencies that use landing pages also test them to find ways to improve conversions. Source
  2. Of B2B companies that use landing pages, 62% have six or fewer total landing pages.
  3. People form first impressions in about 17 milliseconds.
  4. It has been recently researched that when a video is present on the landing page, it has a 41% higher click through rate than plain text. Source
  1. 45% of landing pages don’t clearly reiterate the call-to-action from their emails. Source
  2. White paper and eBook downloads are the top producers of B2B leads, cited by 59% of marketers. Other top calls to action included contact forms (39%), webinars (37%), and free trials.
  3.  The fewer questions you ask, the greater your form-fill rate will be. Source
  1. A 1 second delay in your site speed can result in a 7% reduction in conversions.
  1. 44% of clicks for B2B companies are directed to a home page, not a landing page. Source
  1. 48% of marketers build a new landing page for each marketing campaign.
  1. 42% of offer-related graphics on landing pages are not clickable. Source
  1. Call to actions promoting ebooks get almost twice the click through rate as emails promoting webinars.
  1. 68% of B2B businesses use landing pages to garner a new sales lead for future conversion. Source
  1. 16% of landing pages are free of navigation bars.
  2. Companies with 40+ landing pages get 12 times more leads than those with 5 or less. Source
  1. 79% of marketing leads never convert into sales. Lack of lead nurturing is the common cause of this poor performance.
  1. Companies that excel at lead nurturing generate 50% more sales ready leads at 33% lower cost. Source
  1. Roughly 75% of businesses have problem finding suitable expertise for optimizing their landing page copy.
  1. The testing of multiple landing pages is considered an advanced and difficult methodology. Source
  1. Gmail once tested 50 shades of blue for their CTA color and found the highest converting shade.
  1. President Obama raised an additional $60 million, using A/B Testing. Source
  1. Long landing pages can generate up to 220% more leads than above the fold call-to-action.
  1. Most companies are employing a variety of conversion optimization best practices but are dissatisfied with their proficiency in them. Source
  1. Using correct targeting and testing methods can increase conversion rates up to 300 percent.
  1. You have only 8 seconds to make a compelling headline. Source


  1. The average word count on pages in the top 10 search results has increased by around a quarter – rising from 975 in 2014 to 1,285 words in 2015. Source
  1. 92% of SEO practitioners say content creation is an effective SEO tactic, and 76% regularly invest in content creation.
  2. SEO leads have 14.6% sales close rate on average, compared to 1.7% for outbound leads. Source
  1. Search is the top traffic driver to content-oriented websites, producing on average nearly four times the traffic of social media (41% from search, 11% from social).
  1. One-third of searches are location based. Source
  1. Google gets over 100 billion searches a month worldwide.
  1. 50% of search queries are 4 words or longer. Source
  1. 81% of B2B purchase cycles start with web search, and 90% of buyers say when they are ready to buy, “they’ll find you.”
  2. Search is the #1 driver of traffic to content sites, beating social media by more than 300%. Source
  3. 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine.
  1. Google owns 65-70% of the search engine market share. Source
  1. 70% of the links search users click on are organic.
  1. 75% of users never scroll past the first page of search results. Source
  1. When using organic SEO techniques and a PPC campaign together, you can expect to receive 25% more clicks and 27% more profits versus using just one or the other.
  1.  Organic search drives 51% of all visitors to business-to-business and business-to-consumer Web sites, whereas paid-search drives 10% and social 5%. Source
  1. Just 30% of startups say they use SEO for marketing. A mere 12% use PPC ads.
  1. According to Google, one in six people on the planet use Google to do more than 1 trillion searches each year. Source
  1. On average, conversion rates are 10 times higher from search than from social on desktops.
  1. On smartphones, conversion rates are 15 times higher from search than social. Source
  2. Pages with video are 53 times more likely to rank on the first page of Google search results.
  1. Local searches lead 50% of mobile visitors to visit stores within one day. Source
  1. 18% of local mobile searches lead to a sale within one day.
  1. 96% of marketers use Search Engine Marketing to provide informational and educational content. Source
  1. 76% of marketers use social media to support and boost SEO.
  1. 53% of marketers rank content creation as the single most effective SEO tactic. Source
  1. Over 58% of marketers who have been using social media for one year or longer have improved search engine rankings.
  1. More than half (53%) of marketers rank content creation as the single most effective SEO tactic. Source
  1. 57% of B2B marketers say SEO has the biggest impact on lead generation.
  1. 33% of clicks from organic search results go to the top listing on Google. Source
  1. Websites with 51 to 100 pages generate 48% more traffic than websites with 1 to 50 pages.
  2. 50% Of Mobile Users Prefer A Mobile Browser To A Mobile App. Source
  1. Video searches garner 41% higher click-through rate as compared to plain, static text content.
  1. For Google, a study from Slingshot SEO shows 18% of organic clicks go to the #1 position, 10% of organic clicks go to the #2 position, and 7% of organic clicks go to the #3 position. Source
  1. Google search interest in “near me” has increased 34X since 2011 and has nearly doubled since last year.
  2. 50% of mobile searches are conducted in hopes of finding local results. Source


So, what do you think?

Don’t let these numbers intimidate you.

Use this info to your advantage and continue to execute on these activities to future-proof you business.

Owner & Operator,

Chad Hett

The Elite Group

 (800) 494-8998

Largest Home Inspection Company in North America

Best Selling Author Secrets Of Top Producing Real Estate Agents: And How To Duplicate Their Success.”