Earlier we put together 100 Real Estate Digital Marketing Stats That Critically Impact Your Business.

Today, we’re going to talk about 12 of those statistics that you need to take action on in order to get leads in 2017.

Let’s go!

We’ll cover blogging, landing pages and SEO so you can see exactly how important these three lead generation strategies are for your business.

Really, you need to have each of these strategies on lock to be successful online next year.

And really, they all support one another.

So, let’s go through the top stats we discovered for each of these topics that every real estate agent should know.



Companies who blog receive 97% more links to their website


That’s right.

According to Hubspot, companies that blog will receive nearly 100% more inbound links to their site.

Why does this work?

Well, we already know that blogging is a great way to increase credibility with your readers.

Especially when you produce value-giving content regularly.

Like you, other sites also want to be known for sharing reputable content.

And this will include the links they put up for other websites.

Make sure yours is one of them.

92% of HubSpot’s blog-sourced leads came from older posts


Like Hubspot, we’ve also seen this statistic in action with our own content.

Take a look back your analytics.

It probably holds true for you as well.

This is a tactic known as historical optimization.

Once you know what blogs are driving the highest amount of traffic, you can go back and optimize them for keywords.

And once you know what posts are performing the best, you can also find out what blogs are under-performing and also optimize them with keywords.

Blogging increases web traffic by 55% for brands


Why is this so important?

Because visitors are important.

More visitors = more people to convert to leads and clients.

Keep blogging!

Each month, 329 million people read blogs


The next time you feel like there is no audience for you content, remind yourself of this statistic.

What you need to focus on is getting your content in front of viewers.

Landing Pages

People from first impressions in about 17 milliseconds…


17 milliseconds. Or, about 1/10th of a second.

Our attention span is now dropping to less than that of a goldfish.

First impressions matter.

A lot.

And your best bet at capturing leads on your agent website is through a simple, visual appealing and easily navigable landing page.

Companies with 40+ landing pages get 12 times more leads than those with 5 or less


You’re not doing yourself or your audience any favors by having few landing pages to offer.

Not only can this negatively impact your lead generation, but it can also harm your SEO.

Because the more landing pages you have, the more you will have indexed in searches.

And this will lead to more targeted results.

Including video on a landing page can increase conversion by 80%!



Let that sink in.

Sound unreal?

It’s not.

Video will arguably increase conversations for you on every platform.

Plus, Google will also give 50x preference to landing pages with videos.

It is unquestionably the future of digital marketing.

Video essentially allows visitors to experience your message with very little effort.

And, let’s face it, people often prefer watching over reading.

So give them both, but remember that video is king.


Pages with video are 53 times more likely to rank on the first page of Google search results


In case you needed any further convincing about the power of video.

50% of mobile searches are conducted in hopes of finding local results


Read this case study conducted by Business2Community for more.

People who are using Google to get local results on their smartphone are, more likely than not, on the go.

And looking to make a purchase sooner rather than later.

The same is true in real estate.

So, make sure you show up.

SEO leads have a 14.6% sales close rate on average, compared to 1.7% for outbound leads


Let’s break this down.

SEO leads are nearing a 15% closing rate, while outbound leads are barely reaching a 2% close rate.

What do we mean by outbound leads?

Direct mail, print advertising…etc.

That’s a pretty large gap and should tell you where you should be investing your marketing dollars. Read this article on where you should be spending your marketing dollars.

93% of online experiences begin with a search engine


Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, remember this.

Search engine marketing matters because that’s where the majority of your audience is waiting.

There are over two billion people online.

Make sure they find you.

Did you find any impressive stats this year?

Owner & Operator,

Chad Hett

The Elite Group

 (800) 494-8998



Largest Home Inspection Company in North America

Best Selling Author Secrets Of Top Producing Real Estate Agents: And How To Duplicate Their Success.”
