Let your real estate landing pages do the work for you!
Fact: Real estate landing pages are a fundamental component in your conversion funnel.
You know this.
But just because you have real estate landing pages, doesn’t mean they’re necessarily doing anything for you.
You have probably read lots of articles on building landing pages that convert, Easy Agents.
And you may have been underwhelmed with the results.
There are so many different kinds of landing pages, which can make setting them up seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be.
To help you start converting those leads into clients with real estate landing pages, we’re going to take you through 3 top page builders that can make this process a whole lot more easier and profitable for you!
Here we go!

LeadPages is a software company that offers a variety of lead generation and opt-in tools, including customizable landing page templates.
They offer support for a wide range of professions, including the real estate industry.
How To Build Landing Pages
LeadPages’ landing page templates are pretty user friendly.
Users can choose from one of two editors to use when designing a page.
The first is a simple editor that can be used to edit page images, fonts and colors.
The more recent editor was designed for folks to be able to drag and drop any and all of the page elements.
This is a great way for users to fully control the design of their page.
But before you create your page, you’ve got to choose a template first.
And there are an incredible amount to pick from.
LeadPages currently has 120+ templates available to use with their standard editor and 130+ to build with using the drag and drop editor.
To narrow things down for you as a real estate professional, here are just a few of the templates that can add value to your business:
- Thank You Pages
- Facebook Landing Pages
- 404 Pages
- Home Value Pages
- Listing Pages
It’s also pretty simple to integrate LeadPages with your own website.
There’s a connector plugin available for install you can use with WordPress.
For non-Wordpress users, if you’re using a regular HTML site, you can get the code for your landing page and copy it to your site.
LeadPages users can also host their landing pages on LeadPages, but will have to use a LeadPages url.

Unbounce has many similar features to LeadPages.
You can use the drag and drop feature to change any element of the 100 templates available.
There are 10 real estate-specific templates ready to go.
To ensure your customized templates are also packed with powerful conversion elements, Unbounce also offers a variety of tools to make this happen.
The Unbounce plugin is 100% compliant with Adwords.
You can also publish your pages on custom domains and use A/B testing to maximize your conversion efforts.
After you’re done building a page, you can preview it on both desktop and mobile.
LeadSites by Easy Agent Pro

At Easy Agent Pro, we’ve developed an app called Squeeze specifically designed for real estate professionals and their LeadSite.
With Squeeze all you have to do is go to the backend of your website, create a page and you’re done. You now have a brand new page that will integrate with all of your current lead capture.
And the best part?
There’s no configuration.
While there’s no drag and drop editing feature, it really isn’t needed.
With Squeeze all you have to do is go to the backend of your website, create a page and you’re done.
Each landing page template is categorized by the lead capture you’re after.
Users can choose from a template designed to highlight:
- A Form
- Call To Action
- Facebook Lead Capture
- Home Value for seller leaders
- Brag Wall to feature your successes and value
- Contact
- Calculators
- Single Property listings
And you can focus your pages to attract niche leads.
The calculator templates, for instance, are excellent for first-time home buyers.
After they opt-in, you can followup with more guidance and hopefully show them a few listings!
You can add videos and images and customize your design, copy, and colors.
If this seems almost too easy, that’s because it is.
Crisp design elements are crucial to top performing real estate landing pages, but this is only part of the value proposition you’re presenting to visitors.
The rest of your conversion success depends on the actual information you’re offering and how that knowledge is perceived and valued by your leads.
With a LeadSites website, you don’t have to worry about any extra plugins or coding to generate and share a lead-converting landing page.
It’s all on your site!
While you’re setting up a page, remember the purpose of a landing page is to generate leads and to do this you need to market to a specific niche.
You need to give them more than just the page itself.
A generic market report or email sign up CTA isn’t going to cut it.
This doesn’t provide your visitors with any new information that they couldn’t simply obtain through a quick Google search.
You need to offer them value.
When you’re in the Squeeze app, you’ll notice on the left hand side of the screen that you can either have visitors receive a download after they opt-in or redirect them to a new page.
Since Squeeze already integrates will all of your other apps you can use tools like Cookies to see everything people are looking at on your site and then use this information to create future pages.
It’s full circle lead capture!
One of the main features that sets Squeeze apart from other landing page builders, is our Paths app.
You can send a lead anywhere you want them to go!
For example:
– Buyers should be taken to your buyer newsletter… BUT they should also go into your favorite CRM… AND email your assistant… You can do that now!
– Sellers should go into your “Seller Drip”…. AND notify your seller’s agent via text… AND get tagged on the landing page they opted in on… You can do that now!
– Newsletter subscribers should go into your MailChimp monthly content newsletter campaign… AND they should also be marked “Subscribed To Newsletter” in your CRM…
These are just a few of the powerful lead capture tools LeadSites has to offer.
Owner & Operator,
Chad Hett
The Elite Group
Largest Home Inspection Company in North America
Best Selling Author “Secrets Of Top Producing Real Estate Agents: And How To Duplicate Their Success.”