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Create a New Real Estate Business Logo

Your logo is an essential part of your brand. You put it on brochures, business cards, websites, social media pages, and more. As a real estate agent, it’s extremely important that you differentiate yourself from every other real estate business out there. You need to create something memorable and representative of your brand that speaks to your customers.

By |2023-06-22T20:53:53+00:00June 23, 2019|Articles For Real Estate Agents|Comments Off on Create a New Real Estate Business Logo

The Millennial Market

Millennials are all grown up and buying homes. Sure they use technology, but they also need a real estate agent’s expertise. In fact, 74% of the Millennial Market say they need the help of an agent navigating the home buying process. And that is fantastic news as the Millennials are the generation buying the most homes.

By |2023-06-22T20:53:54+00:00June 16, 2019|Articles For Real Estate Agents|0 Comments

Repair Pricer

So you need a home inspection, what’s the next step? Who should you hire? How much will the repairs set you back? At Elite Group Property Inspections, we are proud to offer Repair Pricer as part of our services in every ELITE PLUS Inspection.

By |2023-06-22T20:54:11+00:00June 7, 2019|Articles For Real Estate Agents|Comments Off on Repair Pricer
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